Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Tennis Elbow

This condition is also known as Lateral epicondylitis and is characterized by pain on the outside of the elbow joint. It  was considered common in tennis players causing them pain on back hand shots. It causes pain on gripping, opening jars and bottles and lifting. There may be heat and swelling associated with it. X rays can out rule osteoarthritis in the elbow joint but it should be noted that O.A. in the elbow is uncommon.

Repetitive trauma often from sporting activities but also from D.I.Y., gardening and assembly line work. Faulty sporting technique, poor workplace ergonomics, poor equipment [e.g. wrong size grip on tennis racquet  or using a rusty shears to cut a hedge] and poor bio-mechanics can cause the problem.If insufficient rest is taken from the aggravating activities the problem can become chronic and tendon can degenerate causing weakness in the affected muscle groups and chronic pain.

 It is vital to determine the cause so that recurrence can be avoided. Sports or workplace equipment may need to be reviewed.Video analysis of sporting technique may be necessary. It should also be noted that pain in this area can be referred by the neck and shoulder and that treatment may need to be directed at these areas also.
Treatment may involve mobilizing stiff joints, massage, electrotherapy [to optimize healing and relieve pain] and individually tailored exercises. Sometimes taping  or braces are used to off load sensitive structures. Rest is important in the acute phase. As the condition settles graded eccentric strengthening exercises will be prescribed.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Back Pain ( Part 1 )

Suffering from back ache and neck pain?

Is surgery or operation is the only solution for your back pain?

What if the surgery is not successful and you become paralysed?

Let us help You!

We have answer for all your questions!!!


We've all experienced back problems from time to time - lower back pain or strain of the neck. In fact, problems from back pain are the most common physical complaints among Malaysian adults and are a leading cause of lost job time - to say nothing of the time and money spent in search of relief.

What are the risk factors for back pain? 

· A mentally stressful job 

· Pregnancy - pregnant women are much more likely to get back pain 

· A sedentary lifestyle 

· Age - older adults are more susceptible than young adults or children 

· Anxiety

· Depression

· Gender - back pain is more common among females than males 

· Obesity/overweight 

· Smoking 

· Strenuous physical exercise
 (especially if not done properly) 

· Strenuous physical work

What are the causes of back pain? 

Your back is a complex structure that provides support for your pelvis, legs, ribcage, arms and skull. The spine is made up of bones called vertebrae that are stacked together to form a loose ‘S’-shaped column. 

Each vertebra is cushioned by spongy tissue or cartilage called intervertebral discs. The discs have a flat structure with a jelly-like centre. Vertebrae are joined by pairs of small joints known as ‘facet’ joints. A mesh of connective tissue called ligaments holds the spine together.

Complex layers of muscle provide structural support and allow movement. The spinal cord runs through the centre of the vertebral stack and connects the brain to the rest of the body. 

Problems with any of these components can lead to back pain. In some cases of back pain, its cause is never found.

Strain - the most common causes of back pain are:

· Strained muscles 

· Strained ligaments 

· Lifting something improperly 

· Lifting something that is too heavy 

· The result of an abrupt and awkward movement 

· A muscle spasm 

Structural problems - the following structural problems may also result in back pain:

· Ruptured disks - each vertebra in our spine is cushioned by disks. If the disk ruptures there will be more pressure on a nerve, resulting in back pain.

· Bulging disks - in much the same way as ruptured disks, a bulging disk can result in more pressure on a nerve.

· Sciatica - a sharp and shooting pain that travels through the buttock and down the back of the leg, caused by a bulging or herniated disk pressing on a nerve.

· Arthritis - patients with osteoarthritis commonly experience problems with the joints in the hips, lower back, knees and hands. In some cases spinal stenosis can develop - the space around the spinal cord narrows. 


· Abnormal curvature of the spine - if the spine curves in an unusual way the patient is more likely to experience back pain. An example is scoliosis, when the spine curves to the side. 

· Osteoporosis - bones, including the vertebrae of the spine, become brittle and porous, making compression fractures more likely. 

                       Below are some other causes of back pain:

· Cauda equina syndrome - the cauda equine is a bundle of spinal nerve roots that arise from the lower end of the spinal cord. People with cauda equine syndrome feel a dull pain in the lower back and upper buttocks, as well as analgesia (lack of feeling) in the buttocks, genitalia and thigh. There are sometimes bowel and bladder function disturbances.

· Cancer of the spine - a tumor located on the spine may press against a nerve, resulting in back pain.

· Infection of the spine - if the patient has an elevated body temperature (fever) as well as a tender warm area on the back, it could be caused by an infection of the spine.

· Other infections - pelvic inflammatory disease (females), bladder or kidney infections.

· Sleep disorders - individuals with sleep disorders are more likely to experience back pain, compared to others.

· Shingles - an infection that can affect the nerves.

· Bad mattress - if a mattress does not support specific parts of the body and keep the spine straight, there is a greater risk of developing back pain.


Monday, 25 March 2013

Physiotherapy: Reality vs. Myth

Physiotherapists are known as experts in function and movement of the human body. These professionals are educated at a bachelor's degree or higher (many new and some are educated at the doctorate level) and work closely with all other health care providers as part of the health care team.

A physiotherapist has a different skill set than that of a Medical Doctor and prescribes treatments that are related to musculoskeletal and movement disorders. Whereas a medical doctor or physician would be concerned with the overall health of an individual.

Keeping the above in mind, here we go:

Myth 1: A physician has to send someone to a physiotherapist.

Myth 2: Personal trainers that use the PT initials behind his/her name are also physiotherapists.

Myth 3: Athletic trainers and chiropractors are the same as physiotherapists.

Many people try to confuse the public to say that modalities such as electric stimulation, ultrasound, massage, and the application of hot packs and cold packs are physiotherapy modalities and therefore they practice physiotherapy.

Myth 4: Chiropractors are the only healthcare providers who manipulate/adjust the spine.

Physiotherapists are also able to manipulate the spine.

Also despite many claims that spinal manipulation is safe, there are always risks associated with treating the spine. Technique and the practitioner performing the technique will have a big effect on the outcome. Be sure that the person who performs any treatment to that area knows what they are doing.

Myth 5: Physiotherapists only work in hospitals.

Licensed physical therapists work in many different settings including but not limited to the following: fitness centers, home health, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and with sports teams (amateur to professional).

Myth 6: All physiotherapy is the same.

Because of the large breadth of knowledge that physiotherapists can posess, like any other profession, there will be differences in treatments provided, communication styles, and with outcomes. Many people will go from one accountant to another if they are dissatisfied, but still refuse to go see another physiotherapist instead chalking it up to the thought of "physiotherapy just doesn't work."

Myth 7: Physiotherapy is for everyone.

If this were true, every professional in the healthcare industry would be a physiotherapist and we would no longer need any other providers. Physiotherapists can help many people with many conditions or needs, however there are many other conditions that are completely out of the scope of practice for anyone other than a medical physician.

Myth 8: All healthcare providers are Saints and would never attempt to commit fraud.

The potential for fraud is there in any business and there are unfortunately physiotherapists in all settings that attempt to commit fraud to reap the benefits. This goes back to the concept of transparency. Ask for a copy of the itemized charge sheet after each visit. Compare this to the explanation of payments and make sure they match up. Do not be afraid to speak up if they do not!


Thursday, 7 March 2013

Happy Women's Day!!!

Our physiotherapists have special knowledge of women's health throughout all stages of the life cycle including pregnancy and older women's health.

Physiotherapists provide physical management and discharge advice for post-natal and post-surgical patients, physical treatments for all pelvic floor disorders such as incontinence and prolapse, and pain management for both maternity and gynaecological patients.

1 in 3 women experience women’s health problems during their lifetime. However many tolerate these problems, often for years, either too embarrassed to seek help or unaware that there are treatments available.

Please do not hesitate to call us.

Please do not suffer in silence.